Blog Post 5 - PIC16B Project Reflection

For a math student who aspires to be a data scientist, opportunities to collaborate with others to complete a coding project are extremely valuable for me. When I was taking PIC 16B at UCLA, I was very lucky to meet Ashley Lu and Jingxuan Zhang because of our common interests in travelling, especially during this unusual circumstance of Covid 19, and we were able to learn, think, and design this project together, LA Travel Planner, which was not only a programming project that we are all really proud of but also a reflection of what we want to realize in the real world using what we’ve learned in the classroom. I want to take this opportunity to share my experience with you in hopes of motivating you if you are struggling with your own project.

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Blog Post 4 - Fake News Classifier with Tensorflow

With the rapid development of technology, we are exposed to large amount of all kinds of information all the time. Our generation knows that how difficult it is to extract effective information because of all the “fake” news. Wouldn’t it be nice if we can create an algorithm that helps us detect fake news?

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